Expert Roundtables
Scandic Triangeln, 22 – 25 September 2023. Accreditation Required
A market initiative, the expert roundtables are a place where filmmakers can sit down with decision makers from the industry in a group setting for a casual exchange of knowledge and how they work in their respective fields.
To request a meeting, send an email to Miguel Villa/ Jim Connell-Moylan, by Friday 8 September 2023. (first come, first served basis).
This page will be updated.
Saturday 23 September
Time: 13:30-14:00
International Launch and Festivals with the Nordic Film Institutes – DOCUMENTARY
With the International Advisors from the Nordic Film Institutes
International Launch and Festivals with the Nordic Film Institutes – SHORT FILMS
With the International Advisors from the Nordic Film Institutes
The short film and documentary representatives will be split into two tables at the same time.
Saturday 23 September
Time: 16:00 – 16:30
Co-producing with a Broadcaster
With Commisioning Editor, Valentina Chamorro Westergårdh, from SVT – Swedish Television
Sunday 24 September
Time: 15:30 – 16:00
Festival Programming with Enrico Vannucci and Anne Gaschütz
Anne Gaschütz is co-director at FILMFEST DRESDEN – International Short Film Festival and on the selection committee at Locarno Film Festival. Enrico Vannucci is member of the selection committee of Locarno Film Festival and the artistic director of TSFM, which he co-founded in 2016. With a vast background in festival programming, our two decision makers will discuss their work and collaboration.