Nordisk Panorama Market
Scandic Triangeln, 20 – 24 September
Welcoming international film festivals, distributors and buyers from all over the world, Nordisk Panorama Market offers a comprehensive overview of the newest independently produced Nordic short and documentary films.
Below you can see the events, projects and films of NP Market 2024.
NPM Work-in-Progress 2024
Sunday 22 Sept, 13.00-17:30 CEST, Scandic Triangeln, Malmö & Online
Invited Market Guests Only
Giving nearly finished films the final push
Work-in-Progress presents 6 nearly finished documentary projects, almost ready to make it onto the world stage. The projects are presented to international and Nordic decision makers in a tailor made event, created to make sure that each project benefited the most from the presentation.
The presentations and consecutive one-to-one meetings take place at Nordisk Panorama Market on Sunday 22 September 2024.
The Work-in-Progress presentations follow up on former Nordisk Panorama Forum pitches and pitches at fora around the world. All projects presented are looking for a last push to be finalised, a sales agent/distributor or festival premiere.
Director: Tova Mozard Production Company: Picky Pictures Producer: Daniel Pynnönen, Alice Sunnelius Aldén Country: Sweden
Kyiv Soloists
Director: Trond Kvig Andreassen Production Company: Indie Film Producer: Karianne Berge Co-production: Tabor, Witfilm Country: Norway, Ukraine, Netherlands
Lust for Life
Director: Viktor Nordenskiöld Production Company: Sisyfos Film Production Producer: Paulina Knobloch, Mario Adamson Co-production: Dirk Manthey Film Country: Sweden
Director: Susanne Kovács Production Company: Good Company Pictures Producer: Sidsel Lønvig Siersted Co-production: GotFat Production Country: Denmark
The Arctic Circle of Lust
Director: Markku Heikkinen Production Company: Zone2 Pictures Producer: Hannu-Pekka Vitikainen Co-production: Dirk Manthey Film, Vilda Bomben Country: Finland, Germany, Sweden
The Father, The Sons and The Holy Ghost
Director: Christian Sønderby Jepsen Production Company: Moving Documentary Producer: Mira Jargil Sales: DR Sales Country: Denmark
The Nordic Short Film Pitch
Saturday 21 Sept, Malmö, 10.00 – 15.00, Scandic Triangeln – Invited Market Guests Only
The aim of The Nordic Short Film Pitch is to make short filmmakers from the Nordic countries meet, exchange experiences and find partners for potential future collaborations and co-productions. Simultaneously they meet international industry decision makers to expand their network.
The initiative is created in close co-operation with the short film commissioners at the Nordic film institutes and public service broadcasters and takes place during Nordisk Panorama Film Festival.
This year we collaborate with the Scottish Documentary Institute and Screen Scotland to bring a Scottish delegation to network and bring forward the Scottish co-production landscape.
Selected Projects 2024
84 %
Director Telma Huld Jóhannesdóttir Producer Arnar Benjamin Kristjánsson Production Company Saga Film Country Iceland Genre Fiction, Drama
Crocodile Seeds
Director Lucy Davis Producer Danai Anagnostou Production Company Kenno Filmi Country Finland Genre Hybrid Documentary
Hidden Memories (Skjulte Minner)
Director Anders Davidsen Producer Jonas Bruun Production Company Storm Films Country Norway Genre Fiction, Drama
Director Jack Goessens Producer Reece Cargan Production Company Randen, Spinster Films Country Scotland Genre Fiction, Drama
(Delegation Project)
Lobster Bisque
Director Salle Sallé Producer Pelle Folmer Production Company Killjoy Productions, Asta Film Country Denmark Genre Fiction, Drama
Director Álfheiður Marta Kjartansdóttir Producer Rúnar Ingi Einarsson Production Company Norður – Nrdr ehf. Country Iceland Genre Fiction
The Changeling (Byttingen)
Director Trond Morten K. Venassen Producer Lillian Løvesth Production Company LØV Film Country Norway Genre Fiction
The Last Tourist in Europe (Den sidsta turisten i Europa)
Director Balder Ljunggren Producer Stina Eriksson, Alicia Hansen Production Company Prolaps Produktion Country Sweden Genre Fiction
Ordinary Sunday (Telefontræet)
Director Daniel Kragh-Jacobsen Producer Iben Søtang, John Bonadies Production Company Rylan Country Denmark Genre Fiction
Theory and Practice (Teori och praxis)
Director Minna Långström Producer Mika Ritalahti Production Company Silva Mysterium Country Finland Genre Fiction
Director Lærke Hertoni Producer Agnes Parkrud Production Company New Land Country Sweden Genre Fiction
Fat Ass
Director Ocean Teal Producer Isabella Bassett Production Company Compatible Film & TV Country Scotland Genre Documentary
(Delegation Project)
Expert Roundtables
Scandic Triangeln, Accreditation Required
A market initiative, the expert roundtables are a place where filmmakers can sit down with decision makers from the industry in a group setting for a casual exchange of knowledge and how they work in their respective fields.
Saturday 21 September
Time: 13:30-14:00 – International Launch and Festivals with the Nordic Film Institutes – DOCUMENTARY
With the International Advisors from the Nordic Film Institutes
Time: 13:30-14:00 – International Launch and Festivals with the Nordic Film Institutes – SHORT FILMS
With the International Advisors from the Nordic Film Institutes
The short film and documentary representatives will be split into two tables at the same time.
Saturday 21 September
Time: 14:30-15:00 – Working with a streaming service – UniversCiné
Lucie Canistro, Head of short film acquisition, will talk about how UniversCiné works, how they scout films and what it entails to be on the platform.
Sunday 22 September
Time: 11:00 – 11:30 – Festival Distribution (short films and documentaries)
Andrew Norton from Raina Film Festival Distribution will discuss festival strategy and distribution and how they work with films and “getting them out there”.
Closed Market Screenings 2024
22 September – 23 September
Introducing brand new films to people who can get them out into the world.
Brand new Nordic shorts and short documentaries, yet to premiere internationally, will be screened in programmed slots Sunday and Monday during Nordisk Panorama.
Curated in cooperation with the Nordic film institutes.
Titles are only available for selected market decision makers in closed screenings at Cinema Spegeln and Cinema Panora.
15 new Nordic titles were screened.
Cinema Spegeln
22 Sept, 13:00 – 14:15: CMS Shorts: Package 1
22 Sept, 14:30 – 15:45: CMS Shorts: Package 2
Cinema Panora
23 Sept, 10:00 – 11:15: CMS Shorts: Package 3
Decision makers can view titles here.
30 Seconds to the Top
Nordisk Panorama Elevator Pitch
Can you pitch your film idea in 30 seconds? Have you ever imagined being stuck in an elevator with a decision maker?
If you have a story in an early script stage or just an outline, you’ll be paired on an elevator ride together with a decision maker where you can take the opportunity to see if your idea can be told clear and concise in a short elevator ride. On the way up, it’s all about your idea. On the way down, it’s their turn to give feedback. Are you ready?
The production has to qualify as an independent Nordic production with the main production company being from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, The Faroe Islands or Åland.
Selected projects 2024:
Venue: Scandic Triangeln, Malmö
by Camilla Jämting / Norway
by Petra Bauer, Marius Dybwad Brandrud / Sweden
by Eesu Lehtola / Finland
by Paul Sng / Scotland
by Zara Zerny / Denmark
by Alexander Saul / Denmark
by Petter Solberg Heum / Norway
by Åsmund Hasli / Norway
by Mariangela Pluchino / Finland
by Åsa Hedlund / Sweden
by Ágúst Gudmundsson / Iceland