Town Hall: Confronting the Echo Chambers
– how do we challenge limitations and reach audiences in the 2020s?
Sunday 22/9 18:00 – 19:30 Scandic Triangeln
The fortification of echo chambers, confirming our own biases and increasingly only giving us what we already want, is not only impeding the free flow of information and narratives challenging our preconceived notions, but maybe also limiting the documentary community’s own ability to envision possibilities beyond like-minded audiences.
And what is success anyway? Festival awards? A primetime TV slot? Debate sparked in the media? Or a room full of engaged and inquisitive 7th-graders?
We have invited speakers who strive to think outside the box and will share their experiences on how to break down the echo chambers and appeal to audiences beyond the usual suspects.
Arranged in collaboration with Nordisk Film & TV Fond
Embracing the Not Knowing
We kick-off with Liselot Verbrugge, founder of Film Harbour. Quickly climbing the ranks of documentary distribution – with successes such as Honeyland under her belt – and establishing a new company in challenging times takes guts and conviction. What drives her? What frustrates her? What are the inconvenient truths we must address together to make real change?
Thinking Outside the Broadcast Box
From Finnish Broadcasting Corporation, Yle, Elina Pohjola, Marika Kecskemeti and Sari Volanen share Yle’s success reaching broader audiences with new initiatives and new collaborations. Across all genres, films struggle not to drown in the media tsunami – let’s learn from each other.
Challenging the Tuschinski Syndrome
And finally, filmmaker-film commissioner-film educator, Frank Piaseki Poulsen, tells it like he sees it from his multitude of professional perspectives. As he leaves his position at the Danish Film Institute to return to filmmaking, what has he learned and what does he intend to shake up?
Karolina Lidin / Nordisk Film & TV Fond