Turn a Blind Eye

Best Nordic Short Film Programme

– This compelling programme features powerful narratives that dive into the complexities of migration, asylum and societal divides. In the exasperating How to Please, Elina Talvensaari explores the labyrinthine Finnish asylum system through the eyes of Iraqi refugee Wed Al-Asadi, illustrating the daunting challenges of seeking refuge. On the surface, Anton Hellström and Edvin Hallberg’s Container Scanning is somewhat inane, but dig a little deeper and you’ll see a unique perspective of a conflict-free world where constant dialogue intersects with corporate commitment, ergonomics and energy efficiency. Dennis Harvey’s The Building and Burning of a Refugee Camp portrays the harrowing experiences of Sami, Hasiballah and Simon as they confront the rising far-right movement in Dublin. Homeless and struggling, their story is a stark reminder of the human cost of political and social strife.

This short film package will also be screened as a Breakfast Screening on September 21 at 10:30.