Video Work: My Aunt – Ikram Abdulkadir
Ikram Abdulkadir (b. 1995, Nairobi) is a Malmö-based photographer and poet – and the creative force behind the Instagram account @ikramianism. Her latest photographic series, Vi möts i paradiset, debuted in a solo exhibition at Skånes konstförening this year as part of the Sven and Ellida Hjorts Exhibition Grantprogramme. Ikram was a 2017 finalist for Ortens bästa poet, and her poems have been published in both Revolution Poetry and Mariama Jobes’ Sannu. To date, her photographic work has appeared in Vice Arabia, Paletten, Sakina Magazine, and VOKS.
”Earlier this year, I filmed this short video of my aunt singing a song by the famous Somali artist, Ahmed Ali Egal, and a form of poetry known as gabley shimbir in Somali. To my aunt, these songs are a reminder of a home she left and the days of peace before the civil war. To me, she is my connection to a time and place I’ll never be able to visit.”
– Ikram Abdulkadir
Inter Arts Center is a platform for artistic research and experimentation, established by Lund University. Curator: C. Grace Chang
See the video work 21-23 Sep 12-16.