Ticket Information for Accredited Guests

Welcome accredited guest! Read on for information regarding our online ticketing system.

How to order tickets with an accreditation

1. Firstly, please make sure that you have received your confirmation email titled “Book your tickets for Nordisk Panorama 2024” in the email you will find a personal code that will give you access to all screenings.

2. Select a screening/event you want to attend on nordiskpanorama.com and click “Get tickets”

3. Select Regular Ticket and type in your personal code in the “Promo code” field and click on “apply”.

4. Your total order sum should be 0,00 SEK (or 160 SEK for breakfast screenings)

5. Proceed to book your ticket.

How to cancel your tickets

Only free tickets can be cancelled 48 hours before the screening starts by logging in to Billetto or contacting ticket@nordiskpanorama.com.
Paid tickets cannot be refunded.

Sold out screenings

If a film screening is sold out, you can wait in the drop-in line at the venue for no-show seats.

By the way…We want as many film lovers as possible to be able to attend the screenings, so please make sure to only book tickets for those you have time for. If you book one too many, please remember to cancel your ticket, so we can make someone else happy.

Would you like some extra help? You can reach ticket support at: