Young Nordic – Children’s Choice Award
The 11 films in the Young Nordic programme compete for the love of our most critical audience. We ask the youngest viewers to tell us which film they like the best, and award the winner with the Children’s Choice Award.
The cash award of 1.500€ is sponsored by Nordisk Panorama Film Festival.
Festival programme with screening schedule and tickets are released 26 August. You find more info about tickets here.
Selected Films
Between Earth and the Moon, (Milli tungls og jarðar), Hekla Egilsdóttir & Anna Karín Lárusdóttir, 15′, Iceland, 2021.
Enough, (Klassens Z), Alma Dzafic Ferhatovic, 5′, Sweden, 2021.
First Night, (First Night), Darshika Karunhara, 21′, Denmark, 2021.
Goodbye Tornio, (Hei hei Tornio), Emilia Hernesniemi, 15′, Finland, 2021.
Hello World, (Hei verden), Kenneth Elvebakk, 89′, Norway, Sweden, 2021.
It’s OK to say No, (Det er Lov å Si Nei), Aurora Nossen, 15′, Norway, 2021.
Shower Boys, (Shower Boys), Christian Zetterberg, 10′, Sweden, 2021.
Stories from the Shower, (Fortellinger fra dusjen), Teresia Fant, 26′, Norway, 2021.
The Girl Who Dreamt Instead, (Jenta som drømte I stedet), Annie Feldsott & David Berget, 18′, Norway, 2021.
The Voice Break Choir, (Målbrottskören), Ina Holmqvist & Martina Carlstedt, 29′, Sweden, 2021.
Thea & Tuva, (Thea & Tuva), Kristian B. Walters, 23′, Norway, 2020.