Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

About the Film Submission

Which format should I submit my film in?

Our screening platform requires a file with the following specifications:

  • English subtitles or English versioned (subtitles MUST be burned into the file)
  • MP4
  • H264
  • 160 Kbps (stereo) / 48 kHz sample rate
  • 1920×1080, 25 fps (or same as source)
  • 1500Kbit/s.
  • Make sure that the file is optimized for web/streaming
  • Max. file size 2 GB.

You can read more requirements here. Please have all your files ready before starting the submission.

Why do I fill in the Screening Format(s)?

In the submission there is a technical specification section for your actual cinema screener (nowadays typically a DCP). This is so that we are aware of what format it is in and in case you have your film in NPM Online so that other industry professionals know what formats you have available.

If you are unsure how to fill this in, here are a few tips:

Running time: Set in full minutes, if your film is seconds over then round up (Ex: 3 min 12 sec should be 4 min). Note that you write only the number.

Screening Format: The most widely accepted format currently is a DCP. If you have other formats available, please fill in each format individually.

Video Format: In different regions there are various colour formats, typically PAL in Europe (SECAM in France) and NTSC in North America. Note! Most broadcast systems are in the process of converting to Digital broadcast.

Aspect ratio: The ratio of an image’s width to its height.

Optical or Magnetic sound: Click optical.

M/E: This (Music and Effects) is a sound export of basically everything except dialogue. Usually used for dubbing or alike. If you do not have this, DO NOT CLICK the box.

NOTE! If your film is in the wrong specifications the submission might not be successful and you will have to start the submission over again.

If my film has premiered already, can I still submit to Nordisk Panorama festival?

Yes. Nordisk Panorama has no requirement for premieres so it is OK to submit even if your film has shown in other festivals /TV channels / Cinemas.

My film was shot independently. Can I submit without a production company?

Yes, you can. However, you cannot skip the Company step in the submission. Put your name and details into the boxes and proceed this way.

IMPORTANT – In the Comment section at the end you must state you are an independent without a company.

I do not have a Sales company / Festival distribution. How can I proceed?

That is OK. Just fill out your production company details and continue forward. If you are an independent, fill out your name and information and proceed.

I completed the submission but when I clicked Submit it sent me back to start page. Did my submission go through?

Check your film file first. Are the specifications correct? If the file is too large, sometimes the server can experience difficulties in the upload. If your film file is converted and has our specifications but still fails, please contact us at

NOTE! Before submitting, save the Summary as a pdf.

I completed the submission but did not receive a confirmation. Did my submission go through?

The confirmation e-mail will be sent to the Sender’s e-mail. If you are the Sender, check your spam folder. As it is an automated message sometimes it will end up in the spam folder.
If you cannot find any e-mail the submission most likely did not go through. Please check your film file doesn’t exceed the max. size. If you are still unsure of what the trouble is please contact us on

My film is still not completed. Can I submit?

We prefer to receive films which are completed so your film will get the best out of the consideration process. You must in this case be content with the version you submit as this version will be the one reviewed. Please note! If your film is submitted as a Work in progress and is reviewed it cannot be re-entered for Nordisk Panorama the following year.

But please contact us if you have further questions at

I want to send a better screener for my film with better specifications. Can I do so?

No. We have developed the specifications for our screening window which serves our international programming team. The specification are for films viewed on iPads, laptops, etc. This is not the version we will use if your film is selected to the festival.

Didn’t find an answer to your question, please call us +45 3132 0212 or write us on