The Nordic Short Film Pitch
For Invited Projects and Market Guests Only
The aim of the Nordic Short Film Pitch is to create a platform for short filmmakers from the Nordic countries to meet, exchange experiences and find partners for potential future collaborations and co-productions. Simultaneously they meet international industry decision makers to expand their network. The event has been growing for many years and attracted producers and decision makers alike.
10 Nordic projects are selected and pitched to an audience of industry professionals, such as funders, sales agents, buyers and distributors, as well as observing producers interested in co-production. Two additional projects are selected from our delegation country.
The short film projects should be looking for co-producers in the Nordic countries. In addition curated meetings are arranged for the selected projects. Leading up to the main event the projects take part in a Pitch Lab online with an expert tutor as well as an industry day, packed with case studies, meetings, and round table discussions.
The initiative is created in close collaboration with the Nordic film institutes and public service broadcasters and takes place during Nordisk Panorama Film Festival.
For more information, contact Market Manager Maria Stoianova.
Project Criteria and Eligibility
To be eligible the project must:
- be max 30 min (can be animation, fiction, documentary, hybrid, etc)
- qualify as an independent Nordic production with the main production company being from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, The Faroe Islands or Åland
- be in development or early production and with co-production possibilities
- be supported with credible national, regional, or international financing
- have an intended release after Nordisk Panorama Film Festival
Project Application
To apply you need to fill in an online application form with information about the project and the team. The deadline to apply will be announced in 2025.
Projects will be notified about the selection by the end of June.
To apply with your project, you must complete the online application form. Prepare the following to upload:
– 3-page pdf
– if applicable, links to visual material
– a presskit with still photos representing the project, producer and director
Your 3-page pdf must include:
- a synopsis
- a presentation of the production company, the producer and director
- total budget in EURO
- specify what areas of co-production you are interested in (e.g. countries of co-production, creative input etc.)
- financing plan in EURO (detailing confirmed and in progress financing)
- Mood board (1/2 page max)
Please note: the form will not be saved before it is complete, please have all material ready before start.
What is Included if Selected
- you will prepare a 5-min presentation of your project and you will receive a 2-min feedback from attending decision makers.
- the participants take part in a Pitch Lab with tutors one week prior to the event (held online) as well as an industry day with experts the day before the pitch.
- the project team will receive two (2) industry accreditations free of charge. If additional accreditations are required, discounts can be discussed.
- Deadline for Submission: TBA
- Accreditation: Selected projects will receive info regarding accreditation