Martijn te Pas
Documentary Consultant / e u R O P E doconsultancy
Focus: How to navigate the European and international market / Festival strategies
Martijn te Pas studied Psychology, English and completed Film & Television Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He was part of the program department of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) from 2000 to 2019. As senior programmer he was responsible for doing research activities for regular and focus programs, maintaining an extensive network of film professionals and the selection and programming of films.
He is an advisor for the IDFA Bertha Fund and reads projects for the IDFA Forum. Between 2000 and 2019 he traveled to many film festivals – often as a juror. Before IDFA he was a producer for Waterland Film & TV. Martijn also was a documentary advisor of the Dutch Mediafund between 2007 and 2013 – providing grants to encourage the development and production of cultural radio and television programs.
April 2020 Martijn started e u R O P E doconsultancy which is aimed at directors and producers and offers tailor made SWOT analyses (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) of films both at development and edit stages. e u R O P E doconsultancy also offers expert advice and guidance on festival and distribution strategies.
Martijn is currently based in Stockholm.
To request a meeting with Martijn te Pas send an e-mail to