Best Nordic Documentary
The Best Nordic Documentary Award is presented to one of the 15 films selected for the competition. The award goes to the director(s) of the winning film.
The cash award of 11.000€ is sponsored by the Nordic public broadcasters DR, NRK, RUV, SVT and YLE.
Selected films
A House Made of Splinters, (A House Made of Splinters), Simon Lereng Wilmont, 87 min, Denmark, Finland, Ukraine, Sweden, 2022.
Band, (Band), Álfrún Örnólfsdóttir, 88 min, Iceland, 2022.
Budding Humans, (Store små mennesker), Gunhild Westhagen Magnor, 70 min, Norway, Sweden, 2022.
Daughters, (Döttrar), Jenifer Malmqvist, 90 min, Sweden, Denmark, 2022.
Golden Land, (Kultainen maa), Inka Achté, 83 min, Finland, Norway, Sweden, 2022.
How to Save a Dead Friend, (How to Save a Dead Friend), Marusya Syroechkovskaya, 104 min, Sweden, Norway, France, 2022.
Invisible Demons, (Invisible Demons), Rahul Jain, 70 min, Finland, Germany, 2021.
King of the Butterflies, (King of the Butterflies), Olaf de Fleur, 70 min, Iceland, 2022.
Nelly & Nadine, (Nelly & Nadine), Magnus Gertten, 85 min, Sweden, Belgium, Norway 2022.
Ruthless Times – Songs of Care, (Armotonta menoa – Hoivatyön lauluja), Susanna Helke, 92 min, Finland, 2022.
Sabaya, (Sabaya), Hogir Hirori, 91 min, Sweden, 2021.
The Eclipse, (Formørkelsen), Nataša Urban, 109 min, Norway, 2022.
The Killing of a Journalist, (The Killing of a Journalist), Matt Sarnecki, 100 min, Denmark, Czech Republic, USA, 2022.
The Silence in Sápmi, (Tystnaden i Sápmi), Liselotte Wajstedt, 70 min, Norway, Sweden, 2022.
Tsumu – Where Do You Go With Your Dreams?, (Tsumu – Where Do You Go With Your Dreams?), Kasper Kiertzner, 85 min, Denmark, Sweden, 2022.