Nordisk Panorama Market 2018
Welcoming international film festivals, distributors and buyers from all over the world, Nordisk Panorama Market offers a comprehensive overview of the newest independently produced Nordic short and documentary films.
Below you can see the events, projects and films of NP Market 2018.
NPM Work-in-Progress
Sun 23 Sept, 13.30-18.00 2018, Scandic Triangel – Selected Market Guests Only
Giving nearly finished films the final push
Work-in-Progress presents 6 nearly finished documentary projects, almost ready to make it onto the world stage. The projects are presented to international and Nordic decision makers in a tailor made event, created to make sure that each project benefited the most from the presentation.
The presentations and consecutive one-to-one meetings take place at Nordisk Panorama Market on Sunday 23 September 2018 in the afternoon.
The Work-in-Progress presentations follows up on former Nordisk Panorama Forum pitches and pitches at fora around the world. All projects presented are looking for a last push to be finalized, a sales agent/distributor or festival premiere.
The Work-in-Progress projects are therefore not selected through an open call, but invited to submit.
For more information, contact Market Manager Maria Stoianova.
Selected Projects 2018
Confessions From Military Dictatorship
Director Karen Stokkendal Poulsen Producer Vibeke Vogel Production Company Bullitt Film Co-Production Company Little Big Story Country Denmark
The entire world praised the military and Aung San Suu Kyi when power was passed on to the democracy icon after 50 years of military dictatorship. One year later she defended an ethnic cleansing and had isolated herself from the public. This film tells you why.
Director Marie Skovgaard Producer Jesper Jack, Anna J Ljungmark Production Company House of Real Country Denmark
Femimam documents the creation of Europe’s first mosque run by female imams. Its members all share one conviction: they want to confront and challenge, the fears and concerns that surround Islam and to create an alternative to existing readings of the Koran, thereby effecting a break with established gender hierarchies.
Josefin & Florin
Director Ellen Fiske, Joanna Karlberg Producer Anna Weitz Production Company Mantaray Film Country Sweden
A documentary love story about a single mother from Sweden and a beggar from Romania who choose to defy all conventions and believe in love and a better life.
The Feminister
Director Viktor Nordenskiöld Producer Viktor Nordenskiöld & Malcolm Dixelius Production Company Freetownfilms Country Sweden
In an era of male despots, she declares a Feminist Foreign Policy. On the side, she secretly starts the mediation between US and North Korea, ironically headed by the not-so-feminist despots she fights. “The Feminister” reveals Sweden’s Foreign Minister Margot Wallström campaign as mediator and for a seat in the UN Security Council, as well as the cost: stress-related disease and death threats.
Once Aurora
Director Benjamin Langeland, Stian Servoss Producer Thorvald Nilsen Production Company Flimmer Film Country Norway
AURORA is a pop sensation from a small town in Norway. She was discovered at the age of 16, dropped out of school, and spent the next years touring the world. At the age of 20 she is at a breaking point. Is this really what she wants, and if not, does she have any other option but to continue?
Meet the Censors
Director Håvard Fossum Producer Ingvil Giske Production Company Medieoperatørene Co-Production Company Illume Ltd., Hansen & Pedersen Film og Fjernsyn Country Norway
The film is about censorship, told through the censors themselves. It will try to show how censorship works and why the censors censor. And all the while, it looks behind their rethoric to find out what consequences their actions have.
Closed Market Screenings 2018
Introducing brand new films to people who can get them out into the world.
Brand new Nordic shorts and documentaries, yet to premiere internationally, will be screened in programmed slots Friday through Tuesday during Nordisk Panorama. Curated in cooperation with the Nordic film institutes. Access only for selected market guests.
Saturday 22 September
14:30 DOC
Patrimonium, Carl Olsson (Denmark)
16:15 DOC
Reconstructing Utøya, Carl Javér (Sweden)
Sunday 23 September
10:00 SHORT 1
The Infection, Patrik Eklund (Sweden)
Islandia, Eydís Eir Björnsdóttir (Iceland)
Fingerling, Reetta Aalto (Finland)
The Legacy #3: The Stonesmason, Mari Nilsen Neira (Norway)
11:15 SHORT 2
A Better Time, Tommy Oksen (Denmark)
The Bear, Johannes Stjärne Nilsson (Sweden)
Virgins4Lyfe, Thea Hvistendahl (Norway)
12:30 DOC
Never Again, Aino Suni (Finland)
Monday 24 September
10:00 SHORT 1
Show Me Your Original Face Before Your Mother and Father Were Born, Lilja Ingolfsdottir (Norway)
Super Comfort, Kirsikka Saari (Finland)
Miss Iceland, Hannes Thor Arason (Iceland)
Quiet, Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen (Norway)
11:15 SHORT 2
Venice, Jenni Tuli (Finland)
Project Baby, Johannes Pico Geerdsen (Denmark)
Happily Never After, Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir (Iceland)
The Eyes of a War, Jouko Aaltonen & Seppo Rustanius (Finland)
16:00 DOC
War of Art, Tommy Gulliksen (Norway)
Tuesday 25 September
12:30 DOC
Dive: Rituals in Water (working title), Elín Hansdóttir (Iceland)
Nordic Short Film Meet Up 2018
Sat 21 Sept, 10.00 – 15.00
The aim of the Nordic Short Film Meet Up is to make short filmmakers from the Nordic countries meet, exchange experiences and find partners for potential future collaborations and co-productions. Simultaneously they meet international industry decision makers to expand their network.
The initiative is created in close co-operation with the short film commissioners at the Nordic film institutes and public service broadcasters and takes place during Nordisk Panorama Film Festival in Malmö, Sweden.
ALAN ISAAC / Mette Matthiessen & Lina Csillag
CALLING MOTHER / Zone2 Pictures / Marianne Mäkelä & Heli Pekkonen
TWO BODIES ON A BEACH / Bufo OY / Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff & Anna Paavilainen
SUMMER OF ´81 / Sagafilm / Kidda Rokk & Ragnar Agnarsson
LOADING / Barbosa Blad Film / Hege Hauff Hvattum & Julia Lindström
THE LITTLE GREY THAT MATTERS / Norn Studio / Sidsel Bjørnseth & Lina Reinsbakken
SORRY NOT SORRY / Grand Slam Filmproduktion / Eliza Jones, Markus Waltå & Julia Thelin
SWIMMER / French Quarter Film / Isabella Rodriguez & Jonatan Etzler