NPM Work-in-Progress

Sun 22 Sept, 13.30-18.00 2019, Scandic Triangel – Selected Market Guests Only


Giving nearly finished films the final push

Work-in-Progress presents 6 nearly finished documentary projects, almost ready to make it onto the world stage. The projects are presented to international and Nordic decision makers in a tailor made event, created to make sure that each project benefited the most from the presentation.

The presentations and consecutive one-to-one meetings take place at Nordisk Panorama Market on Sunday 22 September 2019 in the afternoon.

The Work-in-Progress presentations follows up on former Nordisk Panorama Forum pitches and pitches at fora around the world. All projects presented are looking for a last push to be finalized, a sales agent/distributor or festival premiere.

The Work-in-Progress projects are therefore not selected through an open call, but invited to submit.

For more information, contact Market Manager Maria Stoianova.


Selected Projects 2018


Confessions From Military Dictatorship

Director Karen Stokkendal Poulsen Producer Vibeke Vogel Production Company Bullitt Film Co-Production Company Little Big Story Country Denmark


Director Marie Skovgaard Producer Jesper Jack, Anna J Ljungmark Production Company House of Real Country Denmark

Josefin & Florin

Director Ellen Fiske, Joanna Karlberg  Producer Anna Weitz Production Company Mantaray Film Country Sweden

The Feminister

Director Viktor Nordenskiöld Producer Viktor Nordenskiöld & Malcolm Dixelius  Production Company Freetownfilms Country Sweden

Once Aurora

Director Benjamin Langeland, Stian Servoss Producer Thorvald Nilsen Production Company Flimmer Film Country Norway

Meet the Censors

Director Håvard Fossum Producer Ingvil Giske Production Company Medieoperatørene Co-Production Company Illume Ltd., Hansen & Pedersen Film og Fjernsyn Country Norway