Nordic Rough Cut Session
Call for Projects
Deadline to apply: 7 November
Are you at the rough cut stage with your documentary project and would you like a fresh set of expert eyes on your storytelling challenges? Then submit your project to the Nordic Rough Cut Session, an unparalleled opportunity to find solutions. Three Nordic projects will be selected and receive input from an expert panel plus a 2-hour private session with an experienced editor. This is a unique opportunity.
Nordisk Panorama will organise this industry session together with DocPoint Helsinki Documentary Film Festival and it will take place Thursday 6 February 2025 during the festival.
The selected participants are invited to present a total of 20 minutes of video material from the rough cut to an expert panel and an industry audience. After the screening of your material, the panel will discuss and give feedback on the project and the concrete problem areas you yourself have highlighted.
The Nordic Rough Cut Session takes place in conjunction with but independently from the Doc Forward workshop. It is not a requirement to be a first time director to apply for the Rough Cut Session.
How to apply
To submit a project for the Rough Cut Session please send a 2-page project presentation plus a 20 min clip from the film (to be sent via an online Youtube or Vimeo downloadable link).
Please send this to no later than 7 November.
To apply you must:
- have a full rough cut ready which can be sent to the expert panel
- identify 2-3 storytelling challenges in your material
- make a 20 min clip that can be screened at the Rough Cut Session (downloadable)
- be present in Helsinki on the day of the session and the following day for the individual consultation with the editor